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logo de l'association est ouest nord sud production noir

The Est Ouest Nord Sud association was born in 2012. Its aim is to promote the emergence of innovative contemporary writing, in particular through the hybridization of practice, in the field of experimentation of French-speaking song. .

The association participates in the development of these activities, through the production of shows, and the distribution of concerts, exhibitions or any artistic form falling within the scope of an “augmented” French song associated with other disciplines such as digital art, experimental and/or improvised music.
It also aims to promote heritage through innovative, research-driven creative techniques.

image de 3 artistes sur scènes qui saluent le public avec un fond bleu et un peu de fumé
logo du ministère de la culture et de la commande publique mondes nouvaux
logo bleu du conservatoire du littoral
logo du centre des monuments nationaux

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By hybridizing the practices of poetic writing, piano, digital art, sound creation, singing, violin and cello, the collective will aim to create a show which will magnify the different collections of material gleaned over the course of the immersion residency phases in order to create a concept show, a dreamlike odyssey at the crossroads of tales and legends and technological arts





The Mémoires d'Athletes show will highlight the Olympic sporting disciplines, through the life stories of athletes preparing for the Paris 2024 games, or having participated in the history of the Olympics, in a set of portrait songs mixing poetic texts, female singing, male singing, electro music, multi-sound diffusion, percussion.
Digital art projections will complement these portrait songs, their aesthetics will be inspired by the built sports heritage of Neo-Aquitain classified as a historic monument, ancient Greece, the first Paralympic Games as well as the modern Olympic Games.

logo rouge théatre jean lurçat scène nationale aubusson
logo oara office artistique région nouvelle aquitaine
logo noir de l'opéra de limoges
logo bleu olympiade culturelle  label jeux olympiques 2024
logo lieu multiple bleu foncé à poitiers
logo méca de la région nouvelle aquitaine à bordeaux
logo bleu ambition 2.24 nouvelle aquitaine

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image d'homme qui courts peints en noir sur fond ocre
image de 3 artistes sur scène avec un fond étoilés t une lumière dorée

This immersive show offers a poetic wandering in the memory of abandoned places, in search of renewal or having found a second life.

Through a set of 14 song-tableaux combining poetic writing, singing, piano, sound creation, auditory perception disorder, digital arts and electro music, the spectator is invited to embark on a dreamlike journey paying tribute to sites that have fallen into disuse and to those who once knew them.

logo rouge et vert du département dordogne périgord
logo ville de bordeaux rouge et bleu
logo cnm centre national de la musique
logo de l'oara office artistique région nouvelle aquitaine
logo rouge et noir du département de la gironde
logo rouge et noir de la région nouvelle aquitaine

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image noir et blanc d'une scène avec deux micro et des machines

The Team Trip in Song project aims to strengthen the bonds of a group of people through the experimentation of a collective adventure where the singularity of each person is expressed through words revealed and highlighted. music

Team Journey in Song is an innovative experience at the crossroads of art and team coaching, a new way of coming together, of relating, of creating together, of forming a society.

logo rouge et noir de la région nouvelle-aquitaine
logo noir du CNM centre national de la musique
logo du rim réseau des indépendants de la musique

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It is in the smallest spectacular form of the STiMBRE collective, here the duo form, that the show “un sens au voyage” unfolds its universe.

In this minimalist version where the emphasis is on ambiances and improvisations of electro music, the texts of Jo Stimbre are said and sung by Gaelle Chalton, joined by Jo for moments of vocal harmonies or declaimed passages. 

un homme et une femme au cheveux bouclés et blancse tiennent debout sur un escalier devant le musée soulages à rodez
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